Botswana? Kesako?

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When I told people around me that I was going to Botswana, usually their first reaction is to say "Bless you". Indeed, Botswana is not a very well know country in Africa. With a bit more than 2 millions Batswanas (the botswanian people), this country which has a similar size to France is far from being overpopulated. Mainly because of the desert which is covering most of the country. So the population is concentrated on the south east side of the country next to the border with South Africa.
Botswana hosts one of the most beautiful region in the world which is the Okavango delta. It is an inland delta which is very well shown in the first episode of the documentary named "Wild Africa" (Available on Netflix).
The pillars of the botswanian economy are mining, agriculture and tourism. Tourism thanks to the Okavango delta mainly. Agriculture obviously to provide food to the population and mining because Botswana is the world’s third-biggest diamond producer, behind Russia and Canada.
Botswana is the best country for comparing meerkats. No other country has so many of them. Same thing for elephants.
The Border between Botswana and Zambia is only 150 meters which makes it the shortest border in the world.
For those who might be interested to know more about Botswana, I strongly recommend the novels "The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" which is describing the country and the culture accurately while being fun at the same time.

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