Kgale hill

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This weekend was a bit more relax because I decided to stay in Gaborone. Not that I couldn't stand with the group anymore but more for budget reason. Also, the 8 hours bus road trip to go didn't help to convince me. I was not the only one staying and I had the great honour to stay with Michelle and Tom in the capital. Beside having some decent sleeps, eating and especially drinking a bit more than usual, we went to climb the Kgale hill on Sunday morning following the suggestion of Michelle.
So here we are, Sunday morning at 7:00 AM at the reception on our way to Kgale. We were told that it will be a 20 minutes hike until the top. Wrong!!! It was 20 minutes to go there by taxi but then it was a one hour hike to go on top and it was quite steep to reach the top. But you know what, we did it. And it was great. We had the surprise to have a chorale when we arrived on top of the hill. It was quite unrealistic to see that.
I also met a bunch of kids on top who wanted to be on my pictures so we did a shooting there with them. But then, we even push forward Tom and I. Following this group of kids, we went on the top of the top. It was not hiking anymore but real climbing to access it at the end but again, we had the pleasure to enjoy a unique view of Gaborone.

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