Okavango delta

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Have you ever heard about it? It is the second biggest inland delta in the world. The Okavango Delta's ecosystem is amongst the richest and most diverse in Africa. It's been effectively protected for years, and with wildlife tourism now thriving here, this looks set to continue – witness the success, and expansion, of the programme to re-introduce black and white rhino to the area over the last few years (that's what they say, we didn't see any rhino).

Anyway, the all trip was incredible. Starting by the trip to go there. I am not talking about the airport shuttle neither the plane to reach Maun located in the North. No, I am talking about the Buffalo that we took to reach the camp in the heart of the delta. It is a small plane for 12 passengers and you really get to see the delta from the sky. That was my first time in such a small plane and I really enjoyed it. It is so different from the big one I am used to. The flight wasn't bumpy at all and the view is simply amazing.

We were not at the camp yet that we already saw an elephant, some impalas and a sausage tree. Yes, a sausage tree!!! Not the one for the barbecue. I never heard about it maybe because this fruit is not really appreciated by humans but animals are eating them. Especially monkeys and giraffes.

The camp was extremely nice and the service over there was exceptional. I don't want to talk about the chocolate mousse, I am feeling hungry just by thinking about it. The rooms have breathtaking view and if you still feel a bit down with all of that, the open bar will cheer you up.
The game drive coming with the despicable wakeup call at 5:00 AM gets to show you the beauty of the place. The nature is so wild, the colors so intense that you want to stop every 2 minutes to see every single part of it. The sunset and the dusk are particularly impressive. The drink in the delta at the sunset was one of these moment that I will remember forever.

Regarding animals, we didn't get to find out the leopards despite the efforts of our guide who really tried hard. But we saw some hippos, wild dogs, a buffalo, a lioness,...
At the end, it was a fabulous experience. I am lucky because I got a chance to go there even if 3 months ago, I couldn't even tell where was Botswana. Life is so nice with me lately, I can just be grateful.
The program is ending very soon now (actually, tomorrow because I am posting a bit late). I cannot believe I left 4 weeks ago. Time flies so fast.

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