Introduction to Business Botswana

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This time it is for real. The different organizations presented their project to all of us and Business Botswana came with the full delegation. Dichaba, the acting CEO was here with Zoe, Shiella, Phimgie and Thato. After the introduction, the last three mentioned brought us to their office for a quick tour and then, we went to have lunch together.
I really felt a warm welcome from these people. They have expectations about us and our mission is essential to them so we can start to feel a bit of pressure now that it is tangible. Anyway, the motivation is not something that we are lacking of.
Only the way back to the hotel was kind of complicated and it took us way too long because of the traffic. First decision as a team, leave earlier to avoid the traffic and use the room at our disposal at the hotel in order to avoid waisting time.

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